Cath Kidston Energy Audits.

Provision of full ESOS compliance for a major high street retail client, Cath Kidston.

ESOS is the mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations in the UK, administered by the Environment Agency. The assessments must look at the energy used across their buildings, processes and transport in order to identify energy saving opportunities.

IE works with a leading energy broker to provide full energy management services to organisations, and through this, offered an ESOS solution to all their clients that fell into the scope for ESOS. assessment.

What we did
We carried out 8 site energy audits service ESOS compliance including reviewing all energy data, identifying de-minimus areas (transport), undertaking all necessary site energy audits, providing all required reports, including the group report, and completing final signed off submission to the Environment Agency before the compliance deadline of 5th December.

When extrapolated to cover the whole of the estates this identified measures which would save over 40% of CK’s energy consumption with an overall payback of just 2 years.

Recommendations ranged from no cost measure to capital investments totalling £320,000.

This leading high street retailer is already operating stores with excellent energy efficiency Despite recommendations being harder to find a really viable energy saving programme with an attractive payback was achieved.

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