Movement for change – CIBSE Journal

Movement for change – CIBSE Journal 04 OCT 2014 Variable speed drives are the default energy-saving solution for ventilation systems – but that should not blind designers to other ways of making air movement in buildings more efficient. Read the rest of my article in...
Sustainability should be simple

Sustainability should be simple

Sustainability should be simple 22 JUN 2014 Read my latest blog post for Building Magazine Sustainability should be simpleIf we want to save carbon we should save people the hassle of fiddling with the air conditioning…Read the rest of the article Latest News &...

Risk is the key to energy savings

Risk is the key to energy savings 22 JUN 2014 Read my recent post for Building Magazine’s community blog Risk is the key to energy savingsIf we want to kick start the market for energy efficiency then we need to take a different view on how we judge risks…read more...
Sustainability should be simple

Double or triple glazing?

Double or triple glazing? 01 MAY 2014 Whether you are designing a new building, completing an extensive refurbishment or just looking to replace the windows in your home then you will be offered the choice of double glazing or triple glazing. But is this a good...